dijous, 15 de març del 2018

SCENE 15: A true loves kiss

Narrator: The princess is not safe. The spell is going to happen on her sixteen birthday, so…. today! Only a real true love kiss can break the spell. What’s going to happen?

(Els guàrdies entren amb l’Aurora, la deixen en una habitació on hi ha un llit. A l’habitació hi haurà un fus o màquina de cosir tapat amb un llençol).

Guard 1: You have to stay here, princess.

Guard 2:  Only for one day…   (tanquen amb clau i s’esperen a la porta de l’habitació) *Soroll de tancar amb clau

*se senten veus que diuen Aurora, Aurora…(el narrador i el scenman criden fluixet el nom de l’Aurora des d’una punta i l’altra de l’escenari)

Aurora: What’s that noise? (s’apropa al fus i ho destapa) Ohhh, I’ve never seen this before. Auch!

(es punxa i cau a terra. Entren els guàrdies).

Guard 1:  Aurora!?

Guard 2:  Oh no! Put her on the bed!   (marxen)

(entren les tres fades xerrant)

Red fairy:  We have to stay with Aurora.

Blue fairy: Yes, only for today...

Yellow fairy: Ahhhhhh! Aurora!!!!

Red fairy:  Nooooo.

Blue fairy: What are we going to do?

Yellow fairy: We have to find a hansome Prince!

(entra el Philip a l’habitació)

Philip: Hello... Is anybody there? Hello? You, you, you are Aurora!

Red fairy:  Who are you?

Philip: I’m Philip, the prince of Bellpuig. What happened? Is she sleeping?

Blue fairy: A Prince! Do you know her?

Philip: Yes, we met in the forest. She is very beautiful…

Yellow fairy: Ohhhh...Yes, beautiful... Why don’t you kiss her?!

Philip: Kiss her? Why?

Red fairy: She’ll only be awaken by a true loves kiss...

Philip: I’ll try. ( li fa un petó a la mà i no es desperta )

Blue fairy: Oh my God! Nothing happened!

Yellow fairy: We should go for the King and the Queen.

(marxen tots de l’habitació. Entra la Maleficent i el Bird)

Maleficent: What have I done? I’m so sorry Aurora (li fa un petó i es desperta)

*Soroll de màgia

Aurora: Hello Maleficent... Where am I?

Maleficent: Aurora… You are ok! You are in the castle with your parents! (la Maleficent esta impresionada i feliç i s’abracen).

(entren l’Stephan i la reina, amb els dos guardies al darrera, que es queden a la porta.)

Stefan: Maleficent!! What are you doing here?!

Queen: Don’t touch my daughter!

Stefan: Guards! Arrest her!  (agafen a la Malèfica per les mans)

Bird: Nooooo! go away! She is a good fairy! She broke the spell!

Stefan: Maleficent?

Queen: Is this true?

Aurora: Yes! Mum, dad! It’s true.

Bird: She, is the true love kiss! (ho diu cridant fort per tothom)

*Soroll de trompetes d’anunci  (el helper pot entrar a d’alt l’escenari  fer veure que ell toca la trompeta) (entra tothom a sota l’escenari).

Helper: Ladies and gentlement. The King and the Queen have got an announcement.

Stefan: People from the magic and the human kingdoms. The spell, is broken!

Queen: Our daughter is fine! Thanks to Maleficent. (l’assenyala i ella somriu)

Stefan: Our kingdoms are in peace!

Everybody: Hurray!!!!! Hurrayyy! (poden portar serpentines o algo per tirar enlaire)

Maleficent: We have to celebrate! one, two, three...Music!

*Música de festa “I’m a believer”

(Es posen tots a ballar i s’abracen entre ells)

Resultat d'imatges de maleficent kiss

SCENE 14: Aurora goes to the castle to meet her parents

Narrator: Aurora is disappointed. She can’t believe Maleficent and her fairy godmothers have hidden the truth about her parents. She goes to the castle to meet her mother and father.
*Soroll de trucar a la porta (ho poden fer els nens)
Guard 1: Sorry to disturb you, Majesty.

Guard 2: This girl says she is your daughter.

Guard 1: She was in the garden, Sir.        (entra l’Aurora)

Aurora: Father, mother...it’s me! Aurora!

Queen: Aurora??? My daughter!! (l’abraça)

Stefan: No! What are you doing here? You can’t come here today!

Aurora: Father, I wanted to meet you.

Stefan: But not today, not yet.

Queen: Oh my God! I don’t want to lose you again!

 Guard 2: What should I do with her?

Stefan: Put her in the bedroom.

Aurora: Mother, no, why?

Queen: We have to protect you, Aurora. We love you.

Aurora: But, I want to be with you…

Stefan: Prepare the men!  Maleficent’s coming!

Guard 1:  Princess, come with me.

Guard 2: I’m sorry but these are King’s orders.

(S’emporten a l’Aurora darrera la fusta. Marxen l’Stephan i la reina.)

SCENE 13: Aurora is 16!

Narrator: Today is Aurora’s birthday. She is sixteen. The three fairies are ready to leave the forest and go to the castle. It’s time for Aurora to meet her real parents. Happy Birthday Aurora and good luck in your new life!

*Soroll de bosc i imatge de cottage in the woods
Imatge relacionada
Yellow fairy:  I’m so happy! We are leaving! (roda sobre ella mateixa i aplaudeix)

Red fairy: Happy? We are not leaving today!

Yellow fairy: Yes, today is Aurora’s birthday!

Blue fairy: Yes, yes! We have a lot of work to do. The clothes, the cake…
(mentre es discuteixen la Blue fairy està al mig de les dues, com que no sap quin dia, va fent que sí amb el cap, i mirant-se ara a una, ara a l’altra.)

Red fairy: No, no! The king said the day AFTER her birthday! TOMORROW!

Yellow fairy:  No! He said ON her birthday! TODAY!

Red fairy: Tomorrow!

Yellow fairy: No, today!

Red fairy: Tomorrow!

Yellow fairy: Today!

Red fairy: Tomorrow!

Blue fairy: Stop fairys, stop. Aurora is coming!

(entra l’Aurora)

Aurora: Hello fairys. I need to talk to you.

Red fairy:  Yes sweety, What is it?

Aurora: I’m sorry to tell you this, but today I am16!

Blue fairy: Yes, look at your cake!  (aplaudeixen contentes)

Aurora: I’m leaving home! (li cau el pastís al terra a la fairy i la miren bocabadades)

Yellow fairy: Leaving? Where??

Red fairy:  No, no…..today is our last day!

Blue fairy: Tomorrow we will return you to your parents.

Yellow fairy: well…

Aurora: With my parents? You told me my parents were dead.

Yellow fairy:  Well, come and sit down…  (s’assenten)

Red fairy: We are sorry Aurora, but  it was a secret

Blue fairy: You are a princess…

Aurora: The king is my father?

Red fairy: Yes, the king ordered us to protect you, there is a spell...

Blue fairy: And a bad fairy...Maleficent!

Aurora: Maleficent? Protect me??? Noooo!

(marxa corrents i es troba a la Malèfica )

Aurora: Did you know my parent were alive?  Is it true?

Maleficent: Well, It is…

Aurora: And a spell?! Am I going to be asleep for the rest of my life? I hate you!

(marxa corents escales avall)

Bird: Don’t worry Maleficient. She knows you love her.

Maleficent: I lost Aurora!

SCENE 12: Prince Philip

Narrator: On her way home Aurora thinks how to tell her aunties that she wants to leave. But she will have a surprise… she will meet a new friend, Prince Philip.

*Soroll de bosc

(L’Aurora està parlant sola, amunt i avall de l’escenari...fins que veu aparèixer el Príncep, com perdut, de baix de l’escenari)

Aurora: Aunties…I’m sixteen and I need to live alone... No, no…! I love you very much, but it’s time to say good bye. Ohhh...Who is there? (es fixa que a baix va venint el princep i se’l queda mirant)

Philip:  Hello Lady! I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m completely lost!

Aurora: Ohhh. (es queda parada)

Philip: Can you help me? (insisteix)

Aurora: Ohhh, yes, yes! What do you need?

Philip: I need to meet the king of this lands.

Aurora: The castle is that way.

Philip: What’s your name?

Aurora: Aurora.

Philip: Hello Aurora.

Aurora: Who are you?

Philip: I’m Philip, the Prince of Bellpuig.

Aurora: Nice to meet you, Philip. Follow this way and you’ll arrive at the castle.

Philip:Thank you so much Aurora. Goodbye!

Resultat d'imatges de aurora and phillip maleficent(es gira per marxar i l’Aurora li pregunta…)

Aurora: Will you return? 

Philip: Yes, of course.

Aurora: Then, I’ll see you soon…?

Philip: Very soon.

Aurora: Good bye Philip.

Philip: Good bye, Aurora.

(Marxen l’Aurora i el Philip i surten el Bird i la Maleficent de darrera la fusta)

Bird: That boy is the solution!!!

Maleficent: The solution?

Bird: Yes! True love kiss, remember? It can break the spell.

Maleficent: But she doesn’t love him.

Bird: Yes, I see love in her eyes.

Maleficent: True love doesn’t exist, bird!

Bird: You’ll see Maleficient. Everything will be allright!

SCENE 11: Maleficent wants to break the spell

Narrator: Maleficent and Aurora are very close friends. They spend a lot of time together in the magic Kingdom.

*Soroll de bosc màgic o de màgia

(Tres criatures surten volant pel regne de la màgia, els dos arbres ja estan a l’entrada i apareixen passejant la Malefica i l’Aurora )

Tree 1: Welcome to the magic kingdom.

Tree2: Enjoy your stay Aurora!

Aurora: wuauuu...

Creature 1: Good morning Maleficent!

Creature 2: Hello Aurora!

Creature 3: Do you like our kingdom?

Aurora: I love your kingdom. There are lots of wonderful things here.

Creature 1: Yes! There are tree houses, chocolate rivers ...   

Creature 2: And creatures can fly here. 

Creature 3: See you Aurora! See you Maleficent! (marxen volant)

Aurora: They are so beautiful! I love your kingdom Maleficent.

Maleficent: I like that you are happy here with me.

Aurora: I want to live here with you! I can sleep in a tree, I’ll be free all day...

Maleficent: But, what about your three aunts?

Aurora: Tomorrow I will be sixteen and I’ll be able to decide where I want to live.

Maleficent: Yes, if you want...

Aurora:  Are you a fairy Maleficent?

Maleficent: Yes, I am!

Aurora: And where are your wings?

Maleficent: Some years ago an ambitious boy cut them off.

Aurora:  But that’s horrible! Where they big?

Maleficent: The strongest and the biggest wings in the world. But it’s late now Aurora, you have to go home.

Aurora: I’m so excited! Tomorrow I’ll be sixteen! I love you Maleficent! See you tomorrow!

(L’Aurora Marxa i la Maleficent mirant al públic diu…)

*Música trista

Maleficent: I love Aurora. I want to break the spell! But I can’t! True love doesn’t exist!   (marxa plorant o trista)

SCENE 10: The king is obsessed with Maleficient

(En escena hi ha d’haver les ales de la Malèfica empresonades)

Narrator: The King gets angrier and angrier everyday, and he’s going crazy. He is obsessed with Maleficent. All he thinks about is how to finish her.

( el rei camina amunt i avall de l’escenari preocupat,  truquen els guàrdies per entrar)

*Soroll de trucar a la porta (ho poden fer els nens)

Stefan: Come in!

Guard 1: Good morning, Sir.

Guard 2: Your majesty...

Stefan: Well, where is she?

Guard 1: We can’t find her, Sir!

Stefan: What???

Resultat d'imatges de maleficent wings castleGuard 2 : She is in the forest!

Stefan: And?

Guard 1: We don’t know where she is.

Guard 2 : She is magic!

Stefan: Look for her!!!! And leave me alone!!!!

(marxen els guardies i el rei parla amb les ales)

Stefan: I know what you are doing. Yes, but when you return here, I will kill you.

Helper: Sir, the Queen calls you.

Stefan: Leave me.

Helper: But sir, your wife is not okay. She needs you.

Stefan: Dont’ disturb me.

Helper: Ok Sir, sorry.

Stefan:  Maleficent you have taken all that was important to me. My sweet daughter! I hate you Maleficent. (Agafa una espasa i mirant al públitc) I hate you and I will kill you.

SCENE 9: Aurora meets Maleficent

Narrator: Aurora grows up and becomes a beautiful girl. The three fairies are not good mothers and Maleficent looks after her in secret, and one day they meet.

*Soroll de bosc i imatge de cottage in the woods
(Apareix l’Aurora de gran de darrera la fusta, es posa a escombrar. La Maleficent i el Bird s’ho tornen a mirar des d’un racó).

Bird: Aurora is so beautiful, now.

Maleficent: Yes, she is a wonderful girl...

(L’Aurora veu la Maleficent i quan parla amb ella la Maleficent entra a l’escenari)

Aurora: Who is it? Who is talking?  (entra la Malèfica dubtant)

Maleficent: Hello...

Aurora: Good morning… I know who you are...

Maleficent: Do you?

Aurora: You are… You are my magic fairy! (riu contenta)

Maleficent: What?

Aurora: My magic fairy! You’ve been looking after me my whole life! Since I was a baby!

Maleficent: But how do you know?

Aurora: Your horns, your shadow...your shadow was always next to me.

Bird: Hello Aurora.

Aurora: I remember you too!

Bird: Yes, I’ve been with you since you were a little baby.

Aurora: Nice to meet you!

Bird: Nice to meet you too!

(quan van a marxar, l’Aurora els parla i es paren)

Aurora: Can I see you tomorrow?

Maleficent: Ohhhh, yes! Of course. (somriu)

Aurora: See you! (Quan ja han marxat diu...) I’m so happy!

 Resultat d'imatges de maleficent and aurora