Narrator: The princess is not safe. The spell
is going to happen on her sixteen birthday, so…. today! Only a real true love
kiss can break the spell. What’s going to happen?
(Els guàrdies entren amb l’Aurora, la deixen en una habitació on
hi ha un llit. A l’habitació hi haurà un fus o màquina de cosir tapat amb un
Guard 1: You have to stay here, princess.
Guard 2: Only for one day… (tanquen amb
clau i s’esperen a la porta de l’habitació) *Soroll
de tancar amb clau
*se senten veus que diuen Aurora, Aurora…(el narrador i el
scenman criden fluixet el nom de l’Aurora des d’una punta i l’altra de
Aurora: What’s that noise? (s’apropa al fus i ho destapa) Ohhh, I’ve never
seen this before. Auch!
(es punxa i cau a terra. Entren els guàrdies).
Guard 1: Aurora!?
Guard 2: Oh no! Put her on the bed! (marxen)
(entren les tres fades xerrant)
Red fairy: We have to stay with Aurora.
Blue fairy: Yes, only for today...
Yellow fairy: Ahhhhhh! Aurora!!!!
Red fairy: Nooooo.
Blue fairy: What are we going to do?
Yellow fairy: We have to find a hansome
(entra el Philip a l’habitació)
Philip: Hello... Is anybody there? Hello?
You, you, you are Aurora!
Red fairy: Who are you?
Philip: I’m Philip, the prince of Bellpuig.
What happened? Is she sleeping?
Blue fairy: A Prince! Do you know her?
Philip: Yes, we met in the forest. She is
very beautiful…
Yellow fairy: Ohhhh...Yes, beautiful... Why
don’t you kiss her?!
Philip: Kiss her? Why?
Red fairy: She’ll only be awaken by a true loves
Philip: I’ll try. (
li fa un petó a la mà i no es desperta )
Blue fairy: Oh my God! Nothing happened!
Yellow fairy: We should go for the King and
the Queen.
(marxen tots de l’habitació. Entra la Maleficent i el Bird)
Maleficent: What have I done? I’m so sorry Aurora
(li fa un petó i es desperta)
*Soroll de màgia
Aurora: Hello Maleficent... Where am I?
Maleficent: Aurora… You are ok! You are in the
castle with your parents! (la Maleficent esta
impresionada i feliç i s’abracen).
(entren l’Stephan i la reina, amb els dos guardies al darrera,
que es queden a la porta.)
Stefan: Maleficent!! What are you doing
Queen: Don’t touch my daughter!
Stefan: Guards! Arrest her! (agafen a la
Malèfica per les mans)
Bird: Nooooo! go away! She is a good
fairy! She broke the spell!
Stefan: Maleficent?
Queen: Is this true?
Aurora: Yes! Mum, dad! It’s true.
Bird: She, is the true love kiss! (ho diu cridant fort per tothom)
*Soroll de trompetes d’anunci (el helper pot entrar a d’alt l’escenari fer veure que ell toca la trompeta) (entra
tothom a sota l’escenari).
Helper: Ladies and gentlement. The
King and the Queen have got an announcement.
Stefan: People from the magic and the human
kingdoms. The spell, is broken!
Queen: Our daughter is fine! Thanks to
Maleficent. (l’assenyala i ella somriu)
Stefan: Our kingdoms are in peace!
Everybody: Hurray!!!!! Hurrayyy! (poden portar serpentines o algo per tirar enlaire)
Maleficent: We have to celebrate! one, two,
*Música de festa “I’m a believer”