divendres, 17 de febrer del 2017


Tancar les llums de l’escari es fa llum amb unes llanternes. Fusta de bosc.

Narrator: Everything is dark and scary and the little princess is alone in the dangerous forest.

Snow white: Please, don’t kill me!

Brighton: Turn around. ( he unties her )

Snow white: I don’t want to die as my daddy.

Brighton: Run and go away from the kingdom as far as you can.

(música de por i les llanternes es van movent; sobren les llums de l’escenari. Quan hi torna haver llum a l’escenari, les llanternes es queden quietes, s’afluixa la música )

Snow white: Where am I? I’m alone in this dangerous forest. ( she faints )

( música calmada, van sortint els nans i quan i són tots la Blancaneus es desperta )

Snow white: Where am I?

dwarf 1: You are near our house.

dwarf 2: Who are you?

Snow white: I’m Snow white

dwarf 3: Snow white? That`s impossible

dwarf 4: Show white is a “troll”

dwarf 5: She lives in the castle tower

dwarf 6: Maybe, she's another Snow white?

dwarf 7: Another Snow White????

dwarf 1: No, sorry, thats not a tipycal name.

dwarf 2: Who is your daddy?

Snow White: The king.

dwarf 3: She is Snow white!!!. The real Snow white ……..and she isn’t a “troll”

dwarf 4: We will get a lot of money if we return her.

Snow White: No, no one will pay for me. The queen wants me dead.

dwarf 5: Why does the queen want you dead?

dwarf 6: She’s very bad.

dwarf 7: Yes, very bad.

dwarf 1: It’s time for you to go away.

Snow White: No, please, only one night.

dwarf 2: Ok, only one day.

Snow White: What are your names?

dwarf 1: Happy

dwarf 2: sneezy

dwarf 3: Sleepy

dwarf 4: bashful

dwarf 5: doc

dwarf 6: grumpy

dwarf 7: wolf

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