dijous, 15 de març del 2018

SCENE 10: The king is obsessed with Maleficient

(En escena hi ha d’haver les ales de la Malèfica empresonades)

Narrator: The King gets angrier and angrier everyday, and he’s going crazy. He is obsessed with Maleficent. All he thinks about is how to finish her.

( el rei camina amunt i avall de l’escenari preocupat,  truquen els guàrdies per entrar)

*Soroll de trucar a la porta (ho poden fer els nens)

Stefan: Come in!

Guard 1: Good morning, Sir.

Guard 2: Your majesty...

Stefan: Well, where is she?

Guard 1: We can’t find her, Sir!

Stefan: What???

Resultat d'imatges de maleficent wings castleGuard 2 : She is in the forest!

Stefan: And?

Guard 1: We don’t know where she is.

Guard 2 : She is magic!

Stefan: Look for her!!!! And leave me alone!!!!

(marxen els guardies i el rei parla amb les ales)

Stefan: I know what you are doing. Yes, but when you return here, I will kill you.

Helper: Sir, the Queen calls you.

Stefan: Leave me.

Helper: But sir, your wife is not okay. She needs you.

Stefan: Dont’ disturb me.

Helper: Ok Sir, sorry.

Stefan:  Maleficent you have taken all that was important to me. My sweet daughter! I hate you Maleficent. (Agafa una espasa i mirant al públitc) I hate you and I will kill you.

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