dijous, 15 de març del 2018

SCENE 8: Aurora grows up with the fairies

(Hi ha una cuna amb l’Aurora a l’escenari.)

*Soroll de bosc i imatge de cottage in the woods

Narrator: Aurora now lives in the forest in a safe house with the three fairies. The fairies are now like humans. Everything is quiet and peaceful in this fantastic place.

Red fairy: Hey girls! We are not fairies any more…

Blue fairy: Ok...one, two, three...HUMANS!!

*Soroll de màgia

(Es treuen les ales i les amaguen a darrera la fusta)

Yellow fairy: Wuauu! But...What about flying???

Red fairy: No more flying!

Blue fairy: No flying????

Yellow fairy: No magic??? ohhhhh!

*Bebe plorant

 (L’Aurora plora i  Malefica i el bird s’ho miren des d’un racó)

Resultat d'imatges de maleficent cottage with fairiesRed fairy:  Good morning little girl.

Blue fairy: Why are you crying?

Yellow fairy: I think she is hungry!

Red fairy:  I can’t take this! (es tapa les orelles)

Blye fairy: Do you want some carrots?

Yellow fairy: Yes, eat little girl!

Bird: Look Maleficent,  the little princess cries all day!

Red fairy:  I’ll go to the forest to pick some strawberries.

Blue fairy: Yes, better, she will be quiter. I’ll wash the clothes in the river.

Yellow fairy: Don’t worry! I’ll stay with Aurora.

(la yellow fairy s’adorm menstres bressa l’Aurora. La Malèfica s’atansa a l’Aurora, para de plorar i comença a riure )

*Rialles de bebé

Maleficent: Hello little princess. Do you want some milk?

(Agafa l’Aurora de la cuna, li mentres li dona un biberó marxa)

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