dijous, 15 de març del 2018

SCENE 13: Aurora is 16!

Narrator: Today is Aurora’s birthday. She is sixteen. The three fairies are ready to leave the forest and go to the castle. It’s time for Aurora to meet her real parents. Happy Birthday Aurora and good luck in your new life!

*Soroll de bosc i imatge de cottage in the woods
Imatge relacionada
Yellow fairy:  I’m so happy! We are leaving! (roda sobre ella mateixa i aplaudeix)

Red fairy: Happy? We are not leaving today!

Yellow fairy: Yes, today is Aurora’s birthday!

Blue fairy: Yes, yes! We have a lot of work to do. The clothes, the cake…
(mentre es discuteixen la Blue fairy està al mig de les dues, com que no sap quin dia, va fent que sí amb el cap, i mirant-se ara a una, ara a l’altra.)

Red fairy: No, no! The king said the day AFTER her birthday! TOMORROW!

Yellow fairy:  No! He said ON her birthday! TODAY!

Red fairy: Tomorrow!

Yellow fairy: No, today!

Red fairy: Tomorrow!

Yellow fairy: Today!

Red fairy: Tomorrow!

Blue fairy: Stop fairys, stop. Aurora is coming!

(entra l’Aurora)

Aurora: Hello fairys. I need to talk to you.

Red fairy:  Yes sweety, What is it?

Aurora: I’m sorry to tell you this, but today I am16!

Blue fairy: Yes, look at your cake!  (aplaudeixen contentes)

Aurora: I’m leaving home! (li cau el pastís al terra a la fairy i la miren bocabadades)

Yellow fairy: Leaving? Where??

Red fairy:  No, no…..today is our last day!

Blue fairy: Tomorrow we will return you to your parents.

Yellow fairy: well…

Aurora: With my parents? You told me my parents were dead.

Yellow fairy:  Well, come and sit down…  (s’assenten)

Red fairy: We are sorry Aurora, but  it was a secret

Blue fairy: You are a princess…

Aurora: The king is my father?

Red fairy: Yes, the king ordered us to protect you, there is a spell...

Blue fairy: And a bad fairy...Maleficent!

Aurora: Maleficent? Protect me??? Noooo!

(marxa corrents i es troba a la Malèfica )

Aurora: Did you know my parent were alive?  Is it true?

Maleficent: Well, It is…

Aurora: And a spell?! Am I going to be asleep for the rest of my life? I hate you!

(marxa corents escales avall)

Bird: Don’t worry Maleficient. She knows you love her.

Maleficent: I lost Aurora!

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