dijous, 15 de març del 2018

SCENE 11: Maleficent wants to break the spell

Narrator: Maleficent and Aurora are very close friends. They spend a lot of time together in the magic Kingdom.

*Soroll de bosc màgic o de màgia

(Tres criatures surten volant pel regne de la màgia, els dos arbres ja estan a l’entrada i apareixen passejant la Malefica i l’Aurora )

Tree 1: Welcome to the magic kingdom.

Tree2: Enjoy your stay Aurora!

Aurora: wuauuu...

Creature 1: Good morning Maleficent!

Creature 2: Hello Aurora!

Creature 3: Do you like our kingdom?

Aurora: I love your kingdom. There are lots of wonderful things here.

Creature 1: Yes! There are tree houses, chocolate rivers ...   

Creature 2: And creatures can fly here. 

Creature 3: See you Aurora! See you Maleficent! (marxen volant)

Aurora: They are so beautiful! I love your kingdom Maleficent.

Maleficent: I like that you are happy here with me.

Aurora: I want to live here with you! I can sleep in a tree, I’ll be free all day...

Maleficent: But, what about your three aunts?

Aurora: Tomorrow I will be sixteen and I’ll be able to decide where I want to live.

Maleficent: Yes, if you want...

Aurora:  Are you a fairy Maleficent?

Maleficent: Yes, I am!

Aurora: And where are your wings?

Maleficent: Some years ago an ambitious boy cut them off.

Aurora:  But that’s horrible! Where they big?

Maleficent: The strongest and the biggest wings in the world. But it’s late now Aurora, you have to go home.

Aurora: I’m so excited! Tomorrow I’ll be sixteen! I love you Maleficent! See you tomorrow!

(L’Aurora Marxa i la Maleficent mirant al públic diu…)

*Música trista

Maleficent: I love Aurora. I want to break the spell! But I can’t! True love doesn’t exist!   (marxa plorant o trista)

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