dijous, 15 de març del 2018

SCENE 9: Aurora meets Maleficent

Narrator: Aurora grows up and becomes a beautiful girl. The three fairies are not good mothers and Maleficent looks after her in secret, and one day they meet.

*Soroll de bosc i imatge de cottage in the woods
(Apareix l’Aurora de gran de darrera la fusta, es posa a escombrar. La Maleficent i el Bird s’ho tornen a mirar des d’un racó).

Bird: Aurora is so beautiful, now.

Maleficent: Yes, she is a wonderful girl...

(L’Aurora veu la Maleficent i quan parla amb ella la Maleficent entra a l’escenari)

Aurora: Who is it? Who is talking?  (entra la Malèfica dubtant)

Maleficent: Hello...

Aurora: Good morning… I know who you are...

Maleficent: Do you?

Aurora: You are… You are my magic fairy! (riu contenta)

Maleficent: What?

Aurora: My magic fairy! You’ve been looking after me my whole life! Since I was a baby!

Maleficent: But how do you know?

Aurora: Your horns, your shadow...your shadow was always next to me.

Bird: Hello Aurora.

Aurora: I remember you too!

Bird: Yes, I’ve been with you since you were a little baby.

Aurora: Nice to meet you!

Bird: Nice to meet you too!

(quan van a marxar, l’Aurora els parla i es paren)

Aurora: Can I see you tomorrow?

Maleficent: Ohhhh, yes! Of course. (somriu)

Aurora: See you! (Quan ja han marxat diu...) I’m so happy!

 Resultat d'imatges de maleficent and aurora

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